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Ostara- Celebrating Spring's Arrival


Ostara is a pagan tradition that celebrates Spring Equinox, the arrival of Spring. It is observed between March 19 and March 22nd. As the Northern hemisphere thaws and awakens from winter's slumber we look to spring to bring brighter and longer days ahead. We look for signs of life in the way of green buds or flower buds, migration, the scurrying of animals, nature reverting back to its greener form, and the brooks babbling and singing Mother Nature's earth song. As you read along and follow us, you'll find our family observes the 8 sabbats of the Pagan wheel throughout the year which include Yule, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, Samhain, Litha and Mabon.


Those that garden are already thinking Spring. I know, I know, it seems rather odd to be plotting out a full blown garden as we here in Wisconsin just received another gracious helping of snow. I have quite a few projects up my sleeve that need a bit more careful consideration than impulse buys of plants at our local grocery stores (which almost never ends well anyway). If you are like me, I like to get things started early to make sure I have a bounty to last me the entire growing season.

This year I decided to be more planful. I want to grow a magic garden. Not just a space that feels magical, because let’s face it, gardens almost always do. The act of gardening itself is magical really. Those little green ones and their affinity for the elements reignite my passion and love of earth every time I witness their growth. But we too, are magical beings needing the same elements. I wanted to make sure that what I grow and how I grow it has meaning and intentionality behind it. I ponder over how each bud, leaf, and stem will be used. I plan how I can honor their life cycle by incorporating it into mine and others' growth and well being.

"Sometimes, it’s less about the end result and more about the journey."


If you’ve ever spent time in the garden or tending to one you know that they can be quite a bit of work. But something about all those laborious and tedious sweat drenched hours in the sun is medicine for the soul. Sure, there is a scientifically proven correlation between nature and our interaction with and within it. However, I go a few steps further. Everything I plant from seeds to bulbs, I do so with my intent in mind. I reflect on my goals for the Spring or the coming year. I think about what I want to cultivate for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. It may sound silly, but what are goals or milestones but little gardens? Gardens that need weeding, tilling, and tending to. If given sustenance, space, time, & grace, then the chances are you’ll end up with something worth celebrating in the end. Though if left untended there really isn’t much to be expected. Maybe overgrowth and possibly a few unexpected beauties, but those quickly get smothered out. That isn’t to say it works out every single time. But the lessons learned in trial and error allow for growth and progress and that is absolutely worth the celebration. Nothing worth having comes easily or cheaply. Sometimes, it’s less about the end result and more about the journey. Much like our plant friends it is about becoming more resilient. Spring is a time for renewal and celebration of longer, brighter days. It’s about patience and understanding, trial and tribulation. The coming and going of seasons is a beautiful metaphorical and physical reminder of our own ebbs and flows. As we anticipate the growing season ahead may we all turn that same attention and joy inward.

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